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My great Story


I was born in Colorado, and have lived in the Northeastern region of Denver my whole life. I attended schools in the Northeast region of Denver from ECE/Preschool to 12th grade. The population of said region consists minorities, mainly Hispanic and African American. Each institution had its ups and downs. Throughout my still progressing academic experience a few moments stuck out. Learning that all the institutions in the area I resided were considered lower class and useless made me doubt my abilities and intelligence. My accomplishments felt arbitrary and unearned. But not all was bad. Meeting teachers who genuinely cared about my education was always a great experience. Coincidentally, most of the time those teachers were either Coaches for a sport I played or taught a STEM type subject. That lead to me favoring those classes in comparison to the other teachers. I favored Math based subjects overall. It seem to come so easily to me. 


Now I am currently attending ASU otherwise known as Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado. My major is Mechanical Engineering which is a STEM major. I came here mainly because I was invited to play collegiate baseball and it wasn't to far from my family and home. The idea of earning a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering also helped motivate me to come to this institution. I am a vocal and visual learner. The best way for me to learn something is to be walked through it and explanations throughout every step of the process. I enjoy to work alone as well. College has given me an opportunity to not only further my education but progress as an adult as well. I have new found responsibilities and have learned from trial and error. I want to be an individual. I want to mature mentally. I also want to gain life skills and experience the ups and downs of the college experience. 


With all the experience I gain from these next few years in college I want to be able to be successful in life. To be successful it would mean I have a career that I can enjoy and also make a good living off of. As of right now I want to be able to use my Bachelors degree to get into a job that fits into that category. I want to be able to live stress free and have the ability to buy and enjoy life in my own way. An ambition I do have is to go on to the next level of Baseball. That would truly be a successful life. To reach either of these lives , I have persevere through any obstacles or challenges that come my way in the oncoming years. I have to grow physically and mentally to be able to live a successful life. 

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